Friday, September 23, 2011

Fuel injectors?

My 89 honda civic will not start. The ecu flashed 16 times so I am guessing that is code 16 right. It says fuel injectors on that code. Do I need to just change them out or clean them. Can I clean them.
Fuel injectors?
Flashed 16 times?'s suppose to flash 1 time pause then 6 times for a code 16! will flash the code 3 times!!!! do it again this time looking for a pause between flashes! remember it will repeat the problem code 3 times!
Fuel injectors?
you may not have a problem with the injectors them selves you may be looking at a driver problem.
code could mean a sticking injector or no juice to injector. So need to check with a node light or carefully listen while cranking to hear if injector is working. I would recommend more tests before your automatically assume it is the injector. and yes injectors can be cleaned and or replaced.
James , being a mechanic is not easy, You have to be patient.

test the injectors !!! before any changing
Like Robert P said, you're reading the code wrong. This is not an injector code.

It will be 2 digits. If the code were 16, you'd get one flash for the first digit, 1, and then a pause, followed by 6 flashes for the second digit, 6.