When adding fuel injector cleaner, should i do so right before or after getting my oil changed?
If you're talking about the stuff you put in your gas tank, it really doesn't matter with the oil. Just be sure to put it in before you fill your tank with gas, as it will mix with the gas better.
When adding fuel injector cleaner, should i do so right before or after getting my oil changed?
doesn't matter, your fuel injectors aren't affected by your oil. That being said fuel injector cleaner will only do so much, if your having trouble you can by a kit and do it yourself if your fairly mechanically inclined, if not it'll cost you around 100 dollars for a mechanic to do it for you (from my experience this is definitely worth it if your experiencing lower gas mileage or your check engine light is giving you a fuel injector code.
mechanically it makes ZERO difference. personally (it sounds like someone else will be changing your oil) i would wait until after the work is done. if you do it before and then something sounds or feels different, or something else goes wrong with the car, theyll blame it on you having added the injector cleaner. and even if you dont tell them, YOU wont know if you did something by adding the stuff or if the shop left something undone or damaged your vehicle. so wait a day or two after your oil change, once all is running as usual, then pour the fuel additive in.
The fuel injectors have nothing at all to do with the oiling system, does not matter at all whether you add injector cleaner before or after an oil change, it is totally up to you, but it should be added BEFORE a GAS fill up to properly mix.