I recently changed my fuel injector on my 97 ford Taurus. Now my car feels like I'm pushing the gas when I%26quot;m not. Even at a stop light it feels like i'm pushing the gas and the brake at the same time. Could it be air leaking out of the manifold or the injector is giving to much gas or any thing else
Car idel is real high. Fuel Injector?
check for a vacume leak or throttle cable is to tight
you cant check timing on that car
and you cant adjust that injector either
Car idel is real high. Fuel Injector?
Have the Timing On your Car Fine Tuned
You better check your work. If air is leaking IN the manifold,this could be the cause.
adjust the feul injector. it is probably injecting too much gasoline. there has to be some way to adjust it.
Vacuum Leak
sounds like a large vacuum leak, probably caused by your over looking a vacuum line that you removed as you removed the air cleaner to get to the injector.or possibly knocking it loose by bumping it as you worked on your motor. look for any loose vacuum lines and re-install them.
i think its funny that you ask a question
the best mechanic dude gets it rite and others just ad a little to it
yes its a vacume leak you should be able to here the leak and it also could be the cable give him the points and fix your car