my check engine light is on , on my 1995 chevy blazer 4.3 vortec i,ve changed plugs and wires but still light is on and the computer is showing a misfire on cylinder 3 the computer showed a misfire on cylinder 3 before i changed the plugs and wires any suggestions what i need to check or change next someone said it might be the fuel injectors
Where are the fuel injectors located on a 1995 chevy blazer 4.3 vortec?
Those injectors are known for leaking or staying open but i would replace the dist. cap and rotor first they are also know for jumping the fire to another cylinder, but if you conclude that you need to take a look at the injectors you have to pull off the upper half of the intake (Plastic Part) also look for very clean trails coming from the regulator (also in the intake) as it will indicate it leaking and running into a cylinder.
Where are the fuel injectors located on a 1995 chevy blazer 4.3 vortec?
Did you change the cap and rotor too? As that would have a significant effect on ignition as well. Also, the injectors are quite different on the 4.3L compared to other vehicles. They call it a spider assembly which is located below the intake.
You should try some injector cleaner in the fuel tank. Might not work but worth a try. If you don't know where they are you should not try to fix them. I would not mess with the distributor or any other stuff if you are not experienced. A misfire can come from several things. Go to and click on tech notes at top of page and get educated.
NEVER replace any part till you KNOW the problem search forums.