Dirty fuel injectors maybe?
Well, this could be several issues, but it troubleshooting we always start with the easiest to check or the simplest/cheapest problem first, You make have a fuel, air or spark issue. FIrst you want to check your air filter and air intake hose (before the filter). I have seen all kinds of things clog the air intake including a dead squirrel once. LOL!! Next if you think your air intake is ok; then you want to check your alternator/regulator, spark plug wires, spark plugs and if that all checks out check your distributor cap and rotor for wear (there is a little graphite ball inside the top of the distributor usually if it is not there it is a no go, if there is a bunch of black powder in there, that was the graphite ball being worn to shreds) The goldish colored contacts should look smooth and so should the pointy end of the rotor, any chinks, cracks, scratches, or any other damage; replace. In acceleration your car needs more power if your alternator is taking too much draw and not putting out enough you will experience your symptoms or similar too those, including the car not starting at all. Then check your coil, get a chilton or haynes manual and an ohm meter to check the resisting tolerance and if it is within manufacturer limits, then its not the problem, next comes the fuel system; more fuel is demanded by your engine during accel, so it could be your filter clogged and old, or the pump itself not building enough pressure during accel...Again you will get similar to exactly your symptoms. Other than that that or spark will explain the hard starts cold, (When you park overnight your fuel system is bleeding off the necessary pressure, once it has been running you have enough to run the car) This also brings me to the two last items, A possible bad pressure leak in your fuel system, or as you stated, a couple fouled injectors, but unless your car has been sitting for along time enough for the fuel system is gel, or your filter's element has broken completely inside which is very rare and I have never seen it only heard of it happening. I doubt this is the case, unless someone bypassed the filter and you have no fuel line protection (again I doubt because I think on your model the filter/pump should be inside the fuel tank. I do believe that is everything that would have similar symptoms to what you are experiencing, but please remember to just do the easy/simple checks first and things like checking your fuel lines for leaks should be done by a professional, if anything just for efficiency. Thanks for posting your question and good luck with your car!!!
Dirty fuel injectors maybe?
bad cat, or another exhaust problem, make sure you check that out
it probably is dirty injectors. you can try some lucus injector cleaner that you add to your gas, thats what i use in my car and it works really good. it helps with gas mileage to.
dirty air filter, fuel filter, dirty pcv, spark plug wires.
Try Lucas fuel system cleaner as that is best if the problem is in the fuel system.
What about the Air flow meter (the silver box right behind the air filter)? Bang on it while the car is running. It could be getting stuck open or closed, or it could just be burnt out. I've replaced them before. Ive also had problems with the fuel pump cut-off circuit in the meter causing the fuel pump to intermittently to stop working.
I would check the fuel pressure and volume, it could also be a plugged fuel filter. Why don't you try to spray some intake cleaner in the air intake while it has no power and see if it picks up, if it does then you have a fuel delivery problem. Then you can start testing for fuel pressure and change your fuel filter and then start testing sensors.
my 87 camaro was doin that id clean out the fuel injectors...it stopped doing that when i used lucas and when i was usin high octaine gasoline